All Courses
Online Private Sessions Program
Daily Yoga Classes: One Month Subscription [SBO]
We are now offering daily yoga classes, with different teachers and different focuses, all within the Sivananda Yoga style. These are traditional, meditative classes that encourage proper breathing, flexibility, strength, and vitality in the body while calming the mind.
Sivananda Bahamas Online Programs [SBO]
This is the umbrella program for sales from
Online Vedic Astrology Reading
Essentials of Positive Thinking (Live)
Meditation Know How: Tools for Balancing the Mind and Quieting the Emotions (Online Library)
Swami Brahmananda Based on the book "Meditation Know How" by Swami Sivananda. Join Swami Brahmananda to learn meditation to improve your concentration and happiness and experience less stress and anxiety in daily life.
The Healing Keys with Shamini Jain [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Join Dr. Shamini Jain and learn to unlock your healing capacity with the Healing Keys.
Meditation Know How: Tools for Balancing the Mind and Quieting the Emotions || ONLINE COURSE
Swami Brahmananda Based on the book "Meditation Know How" by Swami Sivananda. Join Swami Brahmananda to learn meditation to improve your concentration and happiness and experience less stress and anxiety in daily life.
Swami Brahmananda For this intensive weekend retreat, Swami Brahmananda will be teaching the first chapter of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali which is focused on concentration.
Mundaka Upanishad Immersion: ONLINE COURSE - 8:15-10AM & 4:15-6:00PM EDT Daily
Swamini Atmaprakashananda SaraswatiAmong the Upanishads, the Mundaka Upanishad is regarded as one of the most important, illuminating the Path of Knowledge.
Swami Sivananda Mahasamadhi
Krishnan Namboodiri Join us for this special day of puja and prayer to honor the Mahasamadhi of our founder and guru Swami Sivananda.
Essentials of Positive Thinking: ONLINE COURSE - 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS 6:30-8:00pm EDT
Pranava Chaitanya In this program you will discover the connection between your thinking, emotions, and health and learn simple practical tools for enhancing your thought power.
Essentials of Yoga I: Create a Daily Home Practice: ONLINE COURSE - 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, 2:00-3:30pm EDT
Iswara Chaitanya Join us online to jumpstart your own yoga practice — whether you are new to yoga or have experience in classes.
The Yoga Sutras Chapter Two, Practice: ONLINE COURSE - WEEKEND RETREAT
Swami Brahmananda For this intensive weekend retreat, Swami Brahmananda will be teaching sutra by sutra of the second chapter of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali which is focused on practice.
Pranayama Workshop: Back to Basics: ONLINE COURSE - 4 WEEKLY SESSIONS 12:30-2:00pm EDT
Swami Shambhudevananda Learn how to transform your relationship with the breath, tap into the Prana Life Energy, and find balance within the Body, Mind and Spirit
Essentials of Meditation: Finding Peace Within: ONLINE PROGRAM - 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, 6:30-8:00pm EDT
Sivakami Chaitanya Join us online to learn meditation to improve your concentration and happiness and experience less stress and anxiety in daily life.
Life After Death: WEBINAR, 6:30-8:30pm EDT
Swami Brahmananda Discusses the journey of the soul after death, the planes of existence beyond the living reality, and what happens to liberated beings after they die.
Thought Power: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Fridays, 12:00-1:30pm
Swami HridyanandaLearn practical methods on how to cultivate your thoughts in order to create your destiny
Questions and Answers on Yoga and Spiritual Life: LIVE SATSANG - 8:00pm EDT
Swami SwaroopanandaSwami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.
The Yoga Sutras Chapter Four, Liberation: ONLINE COURSE - WEEKEND INTENSIVE COURSE
Swami BrahmanandaSwami Brahmananda will be teaching the fourth chapter of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali which is focused on liberation - including the disconnection from the three gunas of creation and the states of consciousness associated with the process of liberation.
Yoga and the Health of the Spine: Spinal Releasing and Stabilizing Techniques: WEBINAR, 12:00-2:00pm EDT
Krishna Chaitanya Experience the range of simple movements in different areas of the spine including releasing and stabilizing techniques. This webinar is taught in a workshop-style so you can experience the spinal movements directly.
The Light of Hatha Yoga: Teachings from the Hatha Yoga Pradipika Chapter 2: ONLINE COURSE - WEEKEND RETREAT
Swami ParamanandaLearn Asanas and Pranayama as related to the spiritual path, and gain a proper understanding of how to utilize the science of Hatha Yoga for achieving radiant health and Mastery over the Mind.
Essentials of Meditation: Finding Peace Within: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Tuesdays, 12:30-2:00pm EDT
Swami ShambhudevanandaLearn meditation to improve your concentration and happiness, tap into your inner bliss, and experience less stress and anxiety in daily life.
The Secret of True Happiness: Teachings on the 3rd Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita: 7 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Rukmini Chaitanya Discover how to attain true happiness and bring more joy and fulfillment into your daily life by studying the wisdom of the ancient teachings of the 3rd chapter of the Bhagavad Gita.
Vedanta: Teachings on the Essential Freedom of the Self, Part 1: 8 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Thursdays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Swami BrahmanandaExplore the teachings of Vedanta or Jnana Yoga and receive valuable instructions for practices you can incorporate into your daily life.
Essentials of Meditation: Finding Peace Within: ONLINE PROGRAM - WEEKEND RETREAT, 2:00-3:30pm EDT
Sivakami Chaitanya Join us online to learn meditation to improve your concentration and happiness and experience less stress and anxiety in daily life.
Understanding Dharma: What is my Dharma in Life?: WEBINAR - 12:00-2:00pm EDT
Swami BrahmanandaIn this webinar we will study what Dharma is, how you can understand what your own specific Dharma in life is, and how you can follow your Dharma or duty in life.
The Yoga of Unconditional Love: The Teachings on the Narada Bhakti Sutra: 7 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Fridays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Rukmini ChaitanyaMany of us struggle with stress, anxiety, depression, fear and uncertainty about the future. Through the study of the Narada Bhakti Sutra and the practice of Bhakti Yoga, you will learn how to transform negative emotions into higher emotions of kindness, gratitude, and joy, in turn, bring peace to your daily life and ultimately oneness with […]
Essentials of Yoga: Deepen Your Practice: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Fridays, 2:00-3:30pm
Iswara ChaitanyaThis next step in learning and living yoga invites you to deepen and personalize your practice to further develop the inner peace of a yogic lifestyle at home.
Cultivating Yamas and Niyamas: The Foundation for Success in Meditation: WEEKEND RETREAT
Swami Paramananda Learn about the Yamas (practices and observances for your interaction with the external world) and Niyamas (personal practices related to your inner world), which are the foundation for success in the practice of Meditation.
Healing Stress with Yoga: WEEKEND RETREAT, 12:00-2:00pm EDT
Krishna Chaitanya Yoga has been recognized to be effective with stress reduction and is now a recommended proven tool for stress management. In this retreat, we’ll explore the scientific vs. the yogic understanding of stress and the yogic tools to manage it.
Open Your Heart & Elevate Your Mind Through the Yoga of Selfless Action: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Mondays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Jnaneshwari Chaitanya Karma Yoga is the yoga of action. Learn how to practice Karma Yoga in your daily life, and convert all of your activities into yogic practice.
Cultivating Non Attachment: The Path to Happiness: WEBINAR, 12:00-2:00pm EDT
Swami ParamanandaLearn how to cultivate non-attachment and become free from anger, fear, and stress, and create more joy and love in your life.
Start Your Day Off Right: Morning Meditation, Pranayama and Yoga: DAILY PRACTICE, Sun-Fri, 7:00-8:00am EDT
Rukmini ChaitanyaGet your day off to a positive start with a well-rounded morning yoga practice. This hour-long practice includes a short series of meditation, yoga postures, breathwork, and a talk or reading.
Supreme Knowledge, Supreme Secret: Teachings from Chapter 9 of the Bhagavad Gita: 8 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Swami Brahmananda The Bhagavad Gita is a message of divine wisdom addressed to mankind for all times and is meant to assist human beings face and solve the ever-present problems of existence. In the ninth chapter, Lord Krishna proceeds to describe the supreme secret of His nature as the eternal, all-comprehensive Truth.
Cheer up! Yogic Tools for Depression and Anxiety: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Rukmini Chaitanya Transcend depression and anxiety by igniting a radical shift in your perspective. Learn how to move lethargic energy out of the body through physical Asana practice (movement and postures), and how to release negativity with Pranayama (breathwork) and Relaxation.
The Science of Meditation: Teachings from Chapter 6 of the Bhagavad Gita: 6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Thursdays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Jnaneshwari ChaitanyaStudy the sixth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita in-depth, with the traditional commentary and teaching of Swami Sivananda.
Questions and Answers on Yoga and Spiritual Life: LIVE SATSANG - 8:00pm EDT
Swami Swaroopananda Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.
The Art of Self-Acceptance: Powerful Tools for Letting of Self-Judgement and Negative Thoughts: WEEKEND RETREAT - 2:00pm-4:00pm EDT
Rukmini Chaitanya Learn powerful techniques to help jumpstart your practice or move you into the next phase of your spiritual path. Once you have developed self-acceptance and can focus love and compassion towards yourself, this radiates outward and shifts your entire life experience.
A Bright Future Awaits You: Yogic Tools for Letting Go: 8 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Saturdays, 12:00-1:30pm EDT
Swami Brahmananda Learn valuable, liberating, and life-transforming teachings to let go of identities and attachments, in doing so we enter the bright future that is our birthright.
ThetaHealing Basic DNA (Level 1): 3 DAILY SESSIONS, 11:00am-4:00pm EDT
Narayan Jyoti (Ron Paz) and Shambhavi (Gili Raveh)Transform limiting life patterns held in place by your genes, ancestry, history, and soul beliefs, whether self-created or externally imposed.
Cultivating Non Attachment: The Path to Happiness Part 2: WEBINAR, 12:00-2:00pm EDT
Swami ParamanandaLearn how to cultivate non-attachment and become free from anger, fear, and stress, and create more joy and love in your life.
Creating Sacred Space for Your Spiritual Practice: WEEKEND RETREAT - 2:00-4:00pm EDT
Sivakami ChaitanyaCome learn step-by-step how to create a sacred space using time-honored practices from the Sivananda lineage.
Essentials of Yoga III: Advance Your Studies: 5 Weekly Sessions, Fridays, 6:30-8:00pm EDT
Iswara ChaitanyaDevelop a more precise and focused asana practice and deepen your knowledge of yoga philosophy.
Creating a Yogic Practice/Lifestyle at Home: WEEKEND RETREAT, 2:00-4:00pm EDT
Pranava ChaitanyaLearn how to design a personalized Yogic practice for yourself and create a routine that helps you to stay on track with your spiritual goals.
Pranayama Intensive: WEEKEND RETREAT
Swami ParamanandaDuring this Pranayama Weekend Retreat, Swami Paramananda will guide you through sessions of Pranayama practices to increase vitality and mental focus.
Yoga and the Health of the Spine: Spinal Releasing and Stabilizing Techniques: WEBINAR, 12:00-2:00pm EDT
Krishna ChaitanyaExperience the range of simple movements in different areas of the spine including releasing and stabilizing techniques. This webinar is taught in a workshop-style so you can experience the spinal movements directly.
Essentials of Meditation: Finding Peace Within: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Mondays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Sivakami ChaitanyaJoin us online to learn meditation to improve your concentration and happiness and experience less stress and anxiety in daily life.
The Principles and Practices of the Yogic Diet: 3 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Fridays, 2:00-3:30pm EDT
Pranava ChaitanyaLearning these ancient teachings based in the science of Ayurveda will help you to reduce stress and redefine your relationship with food.
Navaratri: Celebrate the Nine Nights of the Divine Mother
Krishnan NamboodiriCelebrate the Shakti (power) of the Divine Feminine manifested as Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati.
Life and Sadhana: How to Live a Purposeful Life: WEEKEND RETREAT, 2:00-4:00pm EDT
Jnaneshwari Chaitanya
Keep Healthy, Practice Safely: Safety in Asana Practice: WEBINAR
Krishna ChaitanyaIn order to avoid potential injuries and at the same time, to maximize the potential to improve in the practice, we will explore the principles of safe practice, and we will see how to apply these techniques in a one-hour asana practice.
Practical Tools to Cultivate the Power of Concentration: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Sundays, 12:00-1:30pm EDT
Swami Brahmananda The capacity to concentrate the mind is fundamental to our success in every walk of life, especially the spiritual path. Learn how to focus the mind on high, elevating, and healthy ideas in order to live a happy, prosperous, and successful life.
Finding Joy in Adversity: WEBINAR, 2:00-4:00pm EDT
Swami Paramananda Learn to recognize the causes of adversities, how to use yogic methods to deal with adverse situations, and even how to find joy in adversity.
Pranayama Workshop: Back to Basics: 4 WEEKLY SESSIONS Tuesdays, 12:30-2:00pm EDT
Swami Shambhudevananda Learn how to transform your relationship with the breath, tap into the Prana Life Energy, and find balance within the Body, Mind and Spirit
The Yoga of Wisdom: Teachings on Chapter 4 of the Bhagavad Gita: 7 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Rukmini Chaitanya Learn about the true nature of the Self by studying the wisdom of the ancient teachings of the 4th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita.
Essentials of Positive Thinking: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Pranava ChaitanyaIn this program you will discover the connection between your thinking, emotions, and health and learn simple practical tools for enhancing your thought power.
Introduction to Vedanta: The Path to Enlightenment: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Thursdays, 5:00-6:30pm EDT
Rukmini Chaitanya Learn the roots of suffering and free yourself. This practical and inspiring course will offer the key basics of Vedanta theory in an easy and approachable manner.
Meditation and Silence in Everyday Life: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Fridays, 12:00-1:30pm EDT
Swami HridyanandaDevelop and stick with a daily meditation practice and learn yogic techniques for developing physical and mental relaxation.
Essentials of Yoga I: Create a Daily Home Practice: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Saturdays, 2:00-4:00pm EDT
Iswara ChaitanyaJoin us online to jumpstart your own yoga practice — whether you are new to yoga or have experience in classes.
Essential Message of the Bhagavad Gita: Teachings from Chapters 1 & 2: 6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Mondays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Jnaneshwari Chaitanya Study a sacred yogic scripture with an experienced teacher and gain insight on how to maintain a balanced mind and sense of calm in the most intense life experiences.
The Art of Self-Acceptance: Powerful Tools for Letting Go of Self-Judgement and Negative Thoughts: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Rukmini ChaitanyaLearn powerful techniques to help jumpstart your practice or move you into the next phase of your spiritual path. Once you have developed self-acceptance and can focus love and compassion towards yourself, this radiates outward and shifts your entire life experience.
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self: 8 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Thursdays, 7:00-8:30pm
Swami Brahmananda The oneness of all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. The Upanishads form the basis of Vedanta. It is the science that raises us above the plane of bondage and suffering and shows the path to freedom. Vedanta reveals the essential nature of the self which is ever free and blissful. The […]
Adaptive Yoga: Yoga is for Everyone!: 4 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Saturdays, 12:00-1:30pm
Krishna ChaitanyaAdapt the 12 basic postures of Sivananda Yoga to allow those with physical constraints or injuries to safely and effectively practice yoga.
Kena Upanishad with Adi Shankaracharya's Bhashya: 5 DAILY SESSIONS, MONDAY - FRIDAY, 2:00-4:00pm EDT
Swamini Atmaprakashananda Saraswati This program will bring alive the Kena Upanishad, a classic Vedic text that opens by questioning the nature of being human and the origins, essence, and relationship we have with knowledge — how do we know what we know? — and sensory perception.
Meditation and Silence in Everyday Life: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Fridays, 12:00-1:30pm EDT
Swami HridyanandaDevelop and stick with a daily meditation practice and learn yogic techniques for developing physical and mental relaxation.
Pranayama Challenge: 6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Saturdays, 8:00-9:30am EDT
Swami ParamanandaThroughout this challenge, Swami Paramananda will monitor and guide your personal practice, supporting you to take your practice to the next level.
Swami Vishnudevananda Mahasamadhi & Jalasamadhi: LIVE SATSANG
Swami Swaroopananda, Krishnan Namboodiri, Swami Hridyananda, Swami Brahmananda, Swami Paramananda, and Rukmini Chaitanya Join us for this special day of puja and prayer to honor the Mahasamadhi of our founder and guru Swami Vishnudevananda.
Cheer up! Yogic Tools for Depression and Anxiety: 6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Mondays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Rukmini Chaitanya Transcend depression and anxiety by igniting a radical shift in your perspective. Learn how to move lethargic energy out of the body through physical Asana practice (movement and postures), and how to release negativity with Pranayama (breathwork) and Relaxation.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Study of Select Important Sutras from the Four Chapters: 8 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Mondays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Swami BrahmanandaLearn selected key sutras for gaining a deep understanding of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras and its practices. This is an inspiring and thorough study of the most important text for the yogis. You will learn practical tools to improve your own yoga practice and your spiritual journey.
Essentials of Positive Thinking: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Pranava ChaitanyaWhen you choose your thoughts, you create your reality. Neuroscience has proven we have the power to shape our brains and the way we think, and yogis have known this truth for thousands of years. In this much-loved course, you’ll learn practical ways to transform and enhance your own ways of thinking to live […]
Essentials of Yoga I: Create a Daily Home Practice: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Fridays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Iswara ChaitanyaJoin us online to jumpstart your own yoga practice — whether you are new to yoga or have experience in classes.
The Yoga of Divine Love: Teachings from Chapter 12 of the Bhagavad Gita: 4 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Fridays, 4:00-5:30pm EDT
Jnaneshwari Chaitanya Study verse by verse the 12th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita. This chapter introduces the path of Bhakti Yoga or the yoga of devotion, which is said to be the easiest path for our age and time. It teaches us how to practice devotion and love, how to attain peace and tranquility of […]
How to Cultivate Virtues and Eradicate Vices: WEEKEND RETREAT, 2:00-3:30pm EDT
Jnaneshwari Chaitanya Learn techniques to remove negative thoughts, emotions, and habits, and the art of cultivating virtues such as gratitude, kindness, and love, as taught by Swami Sivananda.
ThetaHealing® Basic DNA (Level 1): 3 DAILY SESSIONS
Narayan Jyoti (Ron Paz) and Shambhavi (Gili Raveh) Transform limiting life patterns held in place by your genes, ancestry, history, and soul beliefs, whether self-created or externally imposed.
Keep Healthy, Practice Safely: Safety in Asana Practice: WEBINAR, Sunday, 12:00-2:00pm EDT
Krishna ChaitanyaIn order to avoid potential injuries and at the same time, to maximize the potential to improve in the practice, we will explore the principles of safe practice, and we will see how to apply these techniques in a one-hour asana practice.
Cultivating Non Attachment: The Path to Happiness: WEBINAR, Sunday, 12:00-2:00pm EDT
Swami ParamanandaLearn how to cultivate non-attachment and become free from anger, fear, and stress, and create more joy and love in your life.
Essentials of Meditation: Finding Peace Within: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Tuesdays, 12:30-2:00pm EDT
Swami ShambhudevanandaStarting a meditation practice on your own can feel overwhelming, even when you know how much it will benefit you. Whether you are brand new to meditation or want to refresh your inner discipline, this course gives you the building blocks for a strong meditation practice.
Ancient Wisdom With Us Now: LIVE SATSANG - 8:00pm EDT
Rick HoffmanWe are participants of a Vedantic tradition that goes back thousands of years. How do we inherit this wisdom? It has been handed down from teacher to student until today. Our lives today may appear different than it did in ancient times, but being human is still the same.
The Secret of True Happiness: Teachings from Chapter 3 of the Bhagavad Gita: 7 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Fridays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Rukmini Chaitanya We are all seeking true happiness in our lives, and guidance on how to attain it. Discover the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita, with very practical instruction on how to turn your daily life into spiritual practice. Immersed in study and practice, you will find a framework for bringing more joy and […]
Beholding the One Reality in All Names and Forms: Teachings from Chapter 10 of the Bhagavad Gita: 8 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30pm EDT
Swami Brahmananda Learn the inspiring teachings of the Bhagavad Gita on how the Divine reality can be known in the names and forms of creation.
Spiritual Practice Without Judgment Or Guilt: LIVE SATSANG - 8:00pm EDT
Rick HoffmanUntil Knowledge blooms, we all have a diminished sense of Self also known as self-judgment. Even as spiritual seekers, we are prone to measuring and judging ourselves by our thoughts, words, and deeds.
The Anatomy of a Miracle: Inviting Unexpected Joy: LIVE SATSANG - 8:00pm EDT
Maureen WhitehouseSubtle shifts in your life can bring about miracles, radical change, and unexpected joy.
Essentials of Yoga II: Deepen Your Practice: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Saturdays, 2:00-4:00pm EDT
Iswara ChaitanyaLearn how to establish your own home practice, as well as meditation theory and practical guidelines, and how the 5 points of yoga contribute to your overall wellbeing.
Narada’s Way of Divine Love: Teachings on Narada Bhakti Sutra: 8 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Saturdays, 2:00-3:30pm EST
Rukmini Chaitanya Many of us struggle with stress, anxiety, depression, fear and uncertainty about the future. Through the study of the Narada Bhakti Sutra and the practice of Bhakti Yoga, you will learn how to transform negative emotions into higher emotions of kindness, gratitude, and joy, in turn, bring peace to your daily life and ultimately oneness […]
Conquest of Anger: WEEKEND RETREAT, 2:00-3:30pm EDT
Jnaneshwari ChaitanyaIn this course, we will study anger and its control over our minds. Through his teaching we will learn how to manage anger, weaken it and ultimately remove it from our lives.
Shakti: Energizing the Transformation of Consciousness: LIVE SATSANG - 8:00pm EDT
Dale Buegel Move through the practices of awakening the Shakti energy within your twelve major chakras to bring awareness to the reality of Self.
Questions and Answers on Yoga and Spiritual Life: LIVE SATSANG - 8pm EDT
Swami SwaroopanandaSwami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Practical Guide: 8 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30pm EST
Patanjali Yoga Sutras Practical Guide Course manualSwami BrahmanandaEnhance your meditation practice – gain practical teachings from the most authoritative Yogic scripture on meditation to enhance your own practice. The course will focus on the portions of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras which are practice-oriented. The course includes interactive guidance from Swami Brahmananda.
Thanksgiving Symposium: Love Call of the Divine: LIVE SPECIAL EVENT
Graham Schweig, Eric Fraser, Premananda Vilasa, and Krishna Kanta Combined with sweet and serene kirtan, this program blends ancient Sanskrit poetry and literature with the mellifluous sounds of the classical Indian bansuri bamboo flute.
Pranayama Workshop: Back to Basics: 4 WEEKLY SESSIONS Wednesdays, 12:30-2:00pm EDT
Swami Shambhudevananda Learn how to transform your relationship with the breath, tap into the Prana Life Energy, and find balance within the Body, Mind and Spirit
The Gift of Yoga: Yoga Class, Friday, 8:30-10:00am EST
Swami ParamanandaJoin Swami Paramananda for an inspiring yoga class that is suitable for all levels
The Art of Gratitude: WEBINAR, Sunday, 12:00-2:00pm EDT
Swami ParamanandaUnderstand how gratitude transforms negative thinking and emotions into inspiration and great Joy.
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self: 8 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Fridays, 7:00-8:30pm EST
Swami Brahmananda The oneness of all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. The Upanishads form the basis of Vedanta. It is the science that raises us above the plane of bondage and suffering and shows the path to freedom. Vedanta reveals the essential nature of the self which is ever free and blissful. The […]
Asana Challenge: 6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Fridays, 8:30-10:00am EST
Swami Paramananda Throughout this challenge, Swami Paramananda will monitor and guide your personal practice, supporting you to take your practice to the next level.
ThetaHealing Advanced DNA Training: 3 DAILY SESSIONS
Narayan Jyoti (Ron Paz) and Shambhavi (Gili Raveh)Learn powerful techniques to receive information from the Universe, manifest major change, and bring profound healing to yourself and others.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3: The Yoga of Action: 6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Mondays, 7:00-8:30pm EST
Jnaneshwari Chaitanya Chapter 3 of the Bhagavad Gita teaches us how to recognize our own path and shows us what our role is within our own individual life and also within creation.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5: The Yoga of Renunciation of Action: 8 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30pm EST
Rukmini Chaitanya Learn how to remove doubts about Supreme Reality and of the true nature of the Self by following the instructions of Lord Krishna, the Supreme Being Himself.
Learn to Meditate: An In-Depth Study of the Basics of Meditation: 5 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Tuesdays, 12:30-2:00pm EST
Swami ShambhudevanandaThis 5-module program provides a guide for students to transform their minds and ultimately every aspect of their lives by integrating the knowledge and practices of meditation.
Introduction to Ayurvedic Medicine: FREE WEBINAR, Wednesday, 8:00-9:00pm EST
Marc Halpern (Siva)Join Marc Halpern for a free webinar on Ayurvedic Medicine. You will receive an overview of the role of the body, mind and consciousness in health and wellness, Ayurvedic constitutions, keys to building immunity and important steps to returning to balance and health.
ThetaHealing® Basic DNA (Level 1): 3 DAILY SESSIONS
Narayan Jyoti (Ron Paz) and Shambhavi (Gili Raveh)Transform limiting life patterns held in place by your genes, ancestry, history, and soul beliefs, whether self-created or externally imposed.
Christmas & New Year Unity in Diversity Symposium: Let the Light Shine
Swami Swaroopananda, Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo, Snatam Kaur, Sopurkh Singh, John Perkins, Gaura Vani, Swami Sarvapriyananda, Shaykh Abdul Haqq Sazonoff, Father William Meninger, Matthew Fox, Mirabai Starr, Suba Ramesh Parmar, Ramesh Parmar, Nathan Katz, Daniel Matt, Swamimalai K. Suresh, Rabbi Alan Brill, Acharya Mangalananda, Father Dan Hines, Brant Secunda, Krishnan Namboodiri, Swami Hridyananda, Swami Brahmananda, Swami […]
Family Yoga Holiday Program: For Children Ages 4–10 and Parents/Caregivers
Family Yoga Teachers Yoga for the whole family
Questions and Answers on Yoga and Spiritual Life: LIVE SATSANG - 12:00-1:30pm EST
Swami Swaroopananda Swami Swaroopananda answers aspirants’ questions, clears troubled minds, and inspires listeners to advance on the spiritual path.
New Year's Sadhana Challenge: 6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Saturdays, 8:00-10:00am EST
Swami ParamanandaThis New Year's Sadhana challenge will support participants in cultivating a strong daily habit of practicing Asanas, Pranayama and Meditation.
ThetaHealing Advanced DNA Training: 3 DAILY SESSIONS
Narayan Jyoti (Ron Paz) and Shambhavi (Gili Raveh)Learn powerful techniques to receive information from the Universe, manifest major change, and bring profound healing to yourself and others.
Vedantic Meditations: The Practice of Self Inquiry: 8 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Mondays, 7:00-8:30pm EST
Rukmini Chaitanya Learn five Vedantic meditations that can be used throughout the day while you are engaged in your normal activity.
Healing Disorders Through Yoga, Pranayama, and Meditation: Certificate Program, 7 SESSIONS
Samani Chaitanya Pragya, Dr. Naina Mehta, Dr. Devendra I Mehta, and Ramesh Parmar This certificate program focuses on the application of healing from Prekshya Dhyana, a comprehensive Jain System of Yoga and Meditation researched and compiled by Acharya Mahapragya.
Ayurvedic Medicine: Disease Prevention and Maximizing Your Healing: A Body-Mind-Spirit Approach to Wellness with Dr. Marc Halpern
Marc Halpern (Siva) This 4-module program provides a guide for students to transform their personal health and well-being by integrating the knowledge of Ayurveda into their life.
Who am I? The practice of Vedantic Inquiry: 4 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Thursdays, 7:00-8:30pm EST
Rukmini Chaitanya This course explores two important techniques of Jnana Yoga Meditation: Laya Chintana and Panchikarana. Each method helps the practitioner of Jnana Yoga to remove the wrong identification with the non-self and claim their true identity.
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self: 6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Thursdays, 6:30-8:30pm EST
Course ManualVedanta_ Teachings from the Upanishads on the essential freedom of the self (3)Swami Brahmananda The oneness of all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. The Upanishads form the basis of Vedanta. It is the science that raises us above the plane of bondage and suffering and shows the path to freedom. Vedanta reveals […]
The Essence Of The Bhagavad Gita: Chapters 1 & 2: 2 WEEKENDS, Saturdays & Sundays, 11:30am-1:30pm EST
Jnaneshwari Chaitanya
Yoga of Mantra and Chanting for Peace of Mind and Heart: 6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Mondays, 12:00-1:30pm EST
Swami Hridyananda and Narayan Jyoti (Ron Paz)This course is a thoughtful blend of mantra theory and its various benefits, as well as the practice of chanting. As you find yourself deepening your practice and understanding through the principles of Mantra, the mind and heart will shift and open to positivity, peace, and beyond.
Cultivating the Power of the Mind: 6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm EST
Swami ParamanandaThis is an inspiring and practical study of one of the main books of Swami Sivananda. You will learn many practical tools on how to cultivate the mind and achieve great success in life and the spiritual path.
The Yoga of the Vision of the Cosmic Form: Teachings from Chapter 11 of the Bhagavad Gita: 6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30pm EST
course manual Course manual Swami Brahmananda The course discusses profound teachings revealed in the vision of the cosmic form of God to Arjuna. Krishna reveals himself as the cosmic actor performing all actions, the all-consuming time, and more.
Who am I? The practice of Vedantic Inquiry: 8 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Thursdays, 7:00-8:30pm EST
Rukmini ChaitanyaThis course explores two important techniques of Jnana Yoga Meditation: Laya Chintana and Panchikarana. Each method helps the practitioner of Jnana Yoga to remove the wrong identification with the non-self and claim their true identity.
Twenty Important Spiritual Instructions: 6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Thursdays, 5:00-6:30pm EST
Jnaneshwari ChaitanyaThe Twenty Important Spiritual instructions were explained by Swami Chidananda, a disciple and successor of Swami Sivananda. In this course, you will study the instructions and learn how to incorporate the practices into everyday life.
Restoring Jacob’s Ladder: Healing Our REM Sleep and Dreams: SATSANG, 8:00pm EST
Rubin NaimanLearn about REM sleep and dream issues, with recommendations about to achieve healthy dreaming.
Asana Challenge: 6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Fridays, 8:30-10:00am EST
Swami Paramananda Throughout this challenge, Swami Paramananda will monitor and guide your personal practice, supporting you to take your practice to the next level.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Practical Guide: 6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Mondays, 6:30-8:30pm EST
Swami Brahmananda Enhance your meditation practice – gain practical teachings from the most authoritative Yogic scripture on meditation to enhance your own practice. The course will focus on the portions of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras which are practice-oriented. The course includes interactive guidance from Swami Brahmananda.
The Bhagavad Gita Chapter 4: The Yoga Of The Division Of Wisdom: 6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Mondays, 7:00-8:30pm EST
Jnaneshwari Chaitanya An in-depth study of chapter four of the Bhagavad Gita with traditional commentary and teaching of Swami Sivananda.
Chair Yoga Course: PRE-RECORDED
Krishna Chaitanya, Padmavati, and Kumari In this course, you will learn how to make yoga accessible to seniors, persons with disabilities or limited mobility.
Yoga in Bhagavad Gita: LIVE SPECIAL EVENT
Swamini Svatmavidyananda SaraswatiThis set of talks will examine the ways in which the word “yoga" is used in the Bhagavad Gita.
How to Transform Anger into Love: WEBINAR, Sunday, 1:30-3:30pm EST
Swami ParamanandaBecome free from anger through the practice of Love. Those who can manage their mind are truly happy and free.
Daily Yoga Classes: One Month Subscription: ONLINE YOGA
We are now offering daily yoga classes, with different teachers and different focuses, all within the Sivananda Yoga style. These are traditional, meditative classes that encourage proper breathing, flexibility, strength, and vitality in the body while calming the mind.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Samadhi Pada - Teachings from the first chapter on Concentration: 6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30pm EST
Swami Brahmananda An in-depth study of the Samadhi Pada, the first chapter of the Yoga Sutras on the topic of concentration. All the Sutras or verses of the chapter will be covered and explained with traditional commentaries. Gain insights into Yoga philosophy and psychology.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Samadhi Pada: Teachings From the First Chapter on Concentration [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
ThetaHealing® Basic DNA (Level 1): 3 DAILY SESSIONS
Narayan Jyoti (Ron Paz) and Shambhavi (Gili Raveh)Transform limiting life patterns held in place by your genes, ancestry, history, and soul beliefs, whether self-created or externally imposed.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6: The Yoga of Meditation: 8 WEEKLY SESSIONS, Tuesdays, 7:00-8:30pm EST
Rukmini Chaitanya Learn how to deepen your meditation practice by following the instructions of Lord Krishna, the Supreme Being Himself.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6: The Yoga of Meditation with Rukmini Chaitanya Feb 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Yogic Positive Psychology: Understanding and Applying the Keys to Your Happiness: 6 WEEKLY SESSIONS, TUESDAYS, 6:30-8:30pm EST
Pranava ChaitanyaLearn how to combine the ancient yogic teachings with the findings of modern positive psychology to create a powerful set of tools to transform your personal health, sense of well-being, and productivity to achieve happiness and success in every aspect of your life.
Yogic Positive Psychology: The Sun Always Shines on the Inside with Pranava Chaitanya [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Yoga of Mantra and Chanting for Peace of Mind and Heart Feb 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Yoga of Devotion: Teachings from Chapter 12 of the Bhagavad Gita Feb 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
You are That: Unfolding the Great Declarations of Vedanta Feb 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Essential Message of the Bhagavad Gita: Teachings from Chapters 1 & 2 Feb 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Study and Practice March 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Who Am I? The Practice of Vedantic Inquiry March 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Sound Healing, Yoga, and Science with John Beaulieu March 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Sadhana Challenge March 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This Sadhana Challenge will support participants in cultivating a strong daily habit of practicing Asanas, Pranayama, and Meditation. In addition, we will systematically cultivate healthy habits and positive thinking, gratitude, kindness, and joy.
Yoga and Sacred Healing: Easter and Passover Symposium March 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Come discover healing on all levels — body, mind, and spirit.
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self April 2021[Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The oneness of all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. The Upanishads form the basis of Vedanta.
Transform Your Actions Into Yoga: The Practice of Karma Yoga March 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Yoga of the Distinction Between the Field and the Knower of the Field April 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Bhagavad Gita is a message of divine wisdom addressed to mankind for all times, in order to help human beings face and solve the ever-present problems of birth and death, of pain, suffering, fear, bondage, love, and hate.
Ayurvedic Healing for Radiant Health April 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this program you will learn the basic principles of Ayurveda as you begin to understand yourself in a whole new and empowering way.
Asana Challenge April 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this 6-week Asana Challenge, Swami Paramananda will support you to develop a daily practice of Asanas and guide you on how to take your practice to a higher level.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Study and Practice April 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The course is both philosophical – inspirational, and practical, offering insights into Yogic wisdom and meditations. Swami Brahmananda will be teaching key sutras that contain practical guidelines to enhance the meditation practice, through the cultivation of pure qualities, establishing the posture, breath, control of the senses, and finally cultivation of concentration, meditation, and wisdom.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 6 April 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In chapter six of the Bhagavad Gita Lord Krishna guides Arjuna on the practice of meditation. Learn the purpose and techniques with commentary and teachings from Swami Sivananda.
Meditation, Healing, and Inner Peace: FREE WEBINAR
Learn techniques to start your own meditation practice and utilize practices to find healing and inner peace.
The Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7 April 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Chapter 7 is the first chapter in the section on Bhakti Yoga, the Yoga of Devotion. During the course, we will study each verse of this chapter with the commentaries of Adi Shankaracharya and Swami Sivananda.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Sadhana Pada April 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This is an inspiring and thorough study of the most important text for the yogis. Patanjali's second chapter sets forth the practice of Yoga, or sadhana.
Sadhana Challenge May 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This Sadhana Challenge will support participants in cultivating a strong daily habit of practicing Asanas, Pranayama, and Meditation. In addition, we will systematically cultivate healthy habits and positive thinking, gratitude, kindness, and joy.
Yoga of Mantra and Chanting for Peace of Mind and Heart April 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This course is a thoughtful blend of mantra theory and its various benefits, as well as the practice of chanting. Through Mantra chanting the mind and heart will shift and open to positivity, peace, and beyond.
Yoga Nidra Meditation May 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Discover the essential principles, practices, and benefits of Yoga Nidra, or “yogic sleep.”
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self May 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online] OFFICIAL Copy
The oneness of all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. The Upanishads form the basis of Vedanta.
The Bhagavad Gita Chapter 14: The Yoga of The Division of The Three Gunas May 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The fourteenth chapter of the Bhagavad Gita gives the knowledge of the three cosmic qualities or Gunas, namely, Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas. The knowledge of these three Gunas, which hold the entire universe and all creatures under their sway, is of vital importance to each and everyone for their progress and happiness in life. Without […]
Asana Challenge May 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this 6-week Asana Challenge, Swami Paramananda will support you to develop a daily practice of Asanas and guide you on how to take your practice to a higher level.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Study and Practice May 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The course is both philosophical – inspirational, and practical, offering insights into Yogic wisdom and meditations. Swami Brahmananda will be teaching key sutras that contain practical guidelines to enhance the meditation practice, through the cultivation of pure qualities, establishing the posture, breath, control of the senses, and finally cultivation of concentration, meditation, and wisdom.
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 7: The Yoga Of Wisdom and Realization May 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online] OFFICIAL Copy
An in-depth verse by verse study of chapter 7 with the traditional commentary of Swami Sivananda. Elevate your practice and your life by engaging in the most inspirational teaching about the goal of meditation and life, about love and devotion, self-effort, and grace.
Meditation and Silence in Everyday Life May 2021[Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Develop and stick with a daily meditation practice and learn yogic techniques for developing physical and mental relaxation.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Vibhuti Pada June 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This is an inspiring and thorough study of the most important text for the yogis. Patanjali's third chapter sets forth the practice of powers.
Sadhana Challenge June 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This Sadhana Challenge will support participants in cultivating a strong daily habit of practicing Asanas, Pranayama, and Meditation. In addition, we will systematically cultivate healthy habits and positive thinking, gratitude, kindness, and joy.
Cultivating Teaching skills - level 1 June 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This program is designed to support the recent graduates of the TTC to get more experience and confidence in their teaching skills.
ThetaHealing® Basic DNA (Level 1) May 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Created by Vianna Stibal, ThetaHealing® is a groundbreaking technique that facilitates and strengthens powerful emotional, physical, and spiritual healing by changing limiting patterns of belief into a pure creation of what you truly and authentically want.
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self June 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The oneness of all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. The Upanishads form the basis of Vedanta.
Yoga of Mantra and Chanting for Peace of Mind and Heart June 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This course is a thoughtful blend of mantra theory and its various benefits, as well as the practice of chanting. Through Mantra chanting the mind and heart will shift and open to positivity, peace, and beyond.
The Heart of the Bhagavad Gita: Uplift your Mind and Soul June 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Explore the Bhagavad Gita, a companion that gives us direction, inspiration, and solace.
The Yoga of the Supreme Spirit: Teachings from Chapter 15 of the Bhagavad June 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Bhagavad Gita is a message of divine wisdom addressed to mankind for all times, in order to help human beings face and solve the ever-present problems of birth and death, of pain, suffering, fear, bondage, love, and hate. It enables man to liberate himself from all limiting factors and reach a state of perfect […]
Bhagavad Gita Chapter 8: The Yoga Of The Impermissible Brahman July 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
An in-depth verse by verse study of chapter 8 with the traditional commentary of Swami Sivananda. Elevate your practice and your life by engaging in the most inspirational teaching about the goal of meditation and life, about love and devotion, self-effort, and grace.
Mind-Body Skills Group for Health and Healing July 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
During this mind-body skills group, participants will learn strategies of self-care, which is the heart of health care, and techniques to enhance well-being and resilience.
Asana Challenge July 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this 6-week Asana Challenge, Swami Paramananda will support you to develop a daily practice of Asanas and guide you on how to take your practice to a higher level.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Study and Practice July 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The course is both philosophical – inspirational, and practical, offering insights into Yogic wisdom and meditations. Swami Brahmananda will be teaching key sutras that contain practical guidelines to enhance the meditation practice, through the cultivation of pure qualities, establishing the posture, breath, control of the senses, and finally cultivation of concentration, meditation, and wisdom.
Japa Meditation July 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Join Rukmini Chaitanya and a line-up of guest presenters and experience the powerful effects of Japa meditation and Mantra yoga in this certification course.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Teachings from the Kaivalya Pada on Liberation July 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This is an inspiring and thorough study of the most important text for the yogis. Patanjali's fourth chapter sets forth the practice of liberation.
Sadhana Challenge July 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This Sadhana Challenge will support participants in cultivating a strong daily habit of practicing Asanas, Pranayama, and Meditation. In addition, we will systematically cultivate healthy habits and positive thinking, gratitude, kindness, and joy.
Cultivating Teaching Skills - Integrating Variations Into the Class August 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This program is designed to support the recent graduates of the TTC to get more experience and confidence in their teaching skills.
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self August 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The oneness of all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. The Upanishads form the basis of Vedanta.
Chair Yoga Teacher Training Course August 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The practice of chair yoga is rehabilitative, an effective tool for everyday practice and can be used with a wide variety of populations.
Self-Surrender and Self-Knowledge: The Yoga of Liberation by Renunciation, Teachings from the 18th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita August 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Bhagavad Gita is a message of divine wisdom addressed to mankind for all times, in order to help human beings face and solve the ever-present problems of birth and death, of pain, suffering, fear, bondage, love, and hate. It enables man to liberate himself from all limiting factors and reach a state of perfect […]
The Light of Hatha Yoga: Taking Your Practice to a Deeper Level – Study & Practice of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika August 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this special 12-week course with Swami Paramananda, you will learn how to take your Asana and Pranayama practice to the next level. This course includes the practice of Asana, Pranayama, and the study of the sacred text – the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
Yoga of Mantra and Chanting for Peace of Mind and Heart September 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This course is a thoughtful blend of mantra theory and its various benefits, as well as the practice of chanting. Through Mantra chanting the mind and heart will shift and open to positivity, peace, and beyond.
Mind-Body Skills Group for Health and Healing Sept 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Practical Guide: Ashtanga Yoga - Practices of the 8 Limbs of Yoga September 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This is an inspiring and thorough study of the most important text for the yogis, Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras Bundle: Practical Guide and Essential Teachings from the Four Chapters September 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This is an inspiring and thorough study of the most important text for the yogis, Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Essential Teachings from the Four Chapters September 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This is an inspiring and thorough study of the most important text for the yogis, Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
How To Be Healthy and Vital at 100 September 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Conscious Longevity will help you find balance and connect you to the youthful energy and benefits of joy, contentment, and the power of your own spirituality—tapping into the ability to be love rather than just need love.
Chair Yoga: Yoga is For Everyone September 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Learn to adapt yoga so everyone can benefit from this path of optimal wellness, mental peace, transformation, and spiritual growth.
The Supreme Knowledge Secret: Cultivating Our Inherent Love and Freedom September 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This is an inspiring and thorough study of the most important text for the yogis, Bhagavad Gita.
Cultivating Non Attachment: The Means for Happiness October 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This Sadhana Challenge will support participants in cultivating a strong daily habit of practicing Asanas, Pranayama, and Meditation. In addition, we will systematically cultivate healthy habits and positive thinking, gratitude, kindness, and joy.
Science of Happiness: Introduction to Raja Yoga October 2021(ONLINE COURSE)
In this program, you will learn how to apply the ancient teachings of Raja Yoga in your daily life in order to become more centered, happy, fulfilled, and to ultimately reach the highest goals of yoga.
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self October 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The oneness of all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. The Upanishads form the basis of Vedanta. It is the science that raises us above the plane of bondage and suffering and shows the path to freedom. Vedanta reveals the essential nature of the self which is ever free and blissful. The study of […]
Therapeutic Yoga Teacher Training October 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The course teaches the foundations of yoga postures, breathing, and safe practices so students may be able to gain mobility and strength.
The Heart of the Bhagavad Gita: Uncover the Meaning of Life and the Secret of True Happiness October 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Explore the Bhagavad Gita, a companion that gives us direction, inspiration, and solace.
Japa Meditation and Bhakti Immersion: Calm your Mind and Open Your Heart October 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This 12-week course is designed to be highly practical and transformational, drawing from the tools of Bhakti Yoga (the yogic path of devotion), specifically Japa Meditation ― the repetition of the name of the Divine.
Japa Meditation Oct 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Join Rukmini Chaitanya and a line-up of guest presenters and experience the powerful effects of Japa meditation and Mantra yoga in this certification course.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras Practical Guide November 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Learn the teachings of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras on Surrender and Devotion to God or Ishwara Pranidhana by which the efforts to attain meditation, inner peace, and lasting happiness become successful.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras Bundle: Practical Guide and Essential Teachings with Swami Brahmananda November 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This is an inspiring and thorough study of the most important text for the yogis, Patanjali Yoga Sutras.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras Essential Teachings November 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Learn the essential teachings of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras and gain a deep understanding of the causes of human suffering and the process of Yoga by which the mind is purified and bondage is overcome.
Who am I? The Practice of Vedantic Inquiry November 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this course we will explore two important techniques of Jnana Yoga Meditation. Each method helps the practitioner to remove the wrong identifications and claim their true identity.
Self-Surrender and Self-Knowledge Cultivating Equanimity and Non-Attachment November 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Bhagavad Gita is a message of divine wisdom addressed to mankind for all times, in order to help human beings face and solve the ever-present problems of birth and death, of pain, suffering, fear, bondage, love, and hate. It enables man to liberate himself from all limiting factors and reach a state of perfect […]
The Yoga of Unconditional Love: Discover the Nature of Divine Love through the Timeless Teachings of Narada Bhakti Sutra November 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Through the study of the Narada Bhakti Sutra and the practice of Bhakti Yoga, you will learn how to transform negative emotions into higher emotions of kindness, gratitude, and joy, in turn, bring peace to your daily life and ultimately oneness with all life.
Advanced Asana Challenge November 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Great Vision - Teachings from Chapters 10 & 11 of the Bhagavad GitaNovember 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This is an inspiring and thorough study of the most important text for the yogis, Bhagavad Gita.
The Light of Hatha Yoga: Taking Your Practice to a Deeper Level – Study & Practice of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika December 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this special 12-week course with Swami Paramananda, you will learn how to take your Asana and Pranayama practice to the next level. This course includes the practice of Asana, Pranayama, and the study of the sacred text – the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
Introduction to Vedanta: The Path to Enlightenment December 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Learn the roots of suffering and free yourself. This practical and inspiring course will offer the key basics of Vedanta theory in an easy and approachable manner.
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self December 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The oneness of all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. The Upanishads form the basis of Vedanta. It is the science that raises us above the plane of bondage and suffering and shows the path to freedom. Vedanta reveals the essential nature of the self which is ever free and blissful. The study of […]
Who am I? The Practice of Vedantic Inquiry December 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this course we will explore two important techniques of Jnana Yoga Meditation. Each method helps the practitioner to remove the wrong identifications and claim their true identity.
The Yoga of Unconditional Love: Discover the Nature of Divine Love through the Timeless Teachings of Narada Bhakti Sutra December 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Through the study of the Narada Bhakti Sutra and the practice of Bhakti Yoga, you will learn how to transform negative emotions into higher emotions of kindness, gratitude, and joy, in turn, bring peace to your daily life and ultimately oneness with all life.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Samadhi Pada: Teachings From the First Chapter on Samadhi or Concentration January 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Learn the essential teachings of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras and gain a deep understanding of the causes of human suffering and the process of Yoga by which the mind is purified and bondage is overcome.
New Year’s Sadhana Challenge - The Art of inspired Living January 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This Sadhana Challenge will support participants in cultivating a strong daily habit of practicing Asanas, Pranayama, and Meditation. In addition, we will systematically cultivate healthy habits and positive thinking, gratitude, kindness, and joy.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras Practical Guide January 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Twenty Important Spiritual Instructions January 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
New Year, New Beginnings: Online Mind-Body Skills Group for Health and Healing[Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Self-Surrender and Self-Knowledge Cultivating Equanimity and Non-Attachment January 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Bhagavad Gita is a message of divine wisdom addressed to mankind for all times, in order to help human beings face and solve the ever-present problems of birth and death, of pain, suffering, fear, bondage, love, and hate. It enables man to liberate himself from all limiting factors and reach a state of perfect […]
The Heart of the Bhagavad Gita: Uncover the Meaning of Life and the Secret of True Happiness February 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Explore the Bhagavad Gita, a companion that gives us direction, inspiration, and solace.
The Yoga of Unconditional Love: Discover the Nature of Divine Love through the Timeless Teachings of Narada Bhakti Sutra January 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Through the study of the Narada Bhakti Sutra and the practice of Bhakti Yoga, you will learn how to transform negative emotions into higher emotions of kindness, gratitude, and joy, in turn, bring peace to your daily life and ultimately oneness with all life.
Who am I? The Practice of Vedantic Inquiry February 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this course we will explore two important techniques of Jnana Yoga Meditation. Each method helps the practitioner to remove the wrong identifications and claim their true identity.
Transforming Fear into Positive Action: A Shamanic Journey [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Confront your fears and channel them into positive action that can change your reality.
Japa Meditation and Bhakti Immersion: Calm your Mind and Open Your Heart January 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This 12-week course is designed to be highly practical and transformational, drawing from the tools of Bhakti Yoga (the yogic path of devotion), specifically Japa Meditation ― the repetition of the name of the Divine.
The Yoga of Divine Love: Teachings from Chapter 12 of the Bhagavad Gita February 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self February 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The oneness of all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. The Upanishads form the basis of Vedanta. It is the science that raises us above the plane of bondage and suffering and shows the path to freedom. Vedanta reveals the essential nature of the self which is ever free and blissful. The study of […]
The Nature of Reality: Perspectives from Science and the Non-Dual Traditions [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Light of Hatha Yoga: Taking Your Practice to a Deeper Level – Study & Practice of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika March 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this special 12-week course with Swami Paramananda, you will learn how to take your Asana and Pranayama practice to the next level. This course includes the practice of Asana, Pranayama, and the study of the sacred text – the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
Healing and Happiness A Nutritional Blueprint to Optimize Your Health [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Who am I? The Practice of Vedantic Inquiry March 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this course we will explore two important techniques of Jnana Yoga Meditation. Each method helps the practitioner to remove the wrong identifications and claim their true identity.
The Yoga Of Distinction Between the Field and The Knower of the Field April 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Self-Surrender and Self-Knowledge Cultivating Equanimity and Non-Attachment April 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Bhagavad Gita is a message of divine wisdom addressed to mankind for all times, in order to help human beings face and solve the ever-present problems of birth and death, of pain, suffering, fear, bondage, love, and hate. It enables man to liberate himself from all limiting factors and reach a state of perfect […]
Sadhana Challenge - The Art of inspired Living April 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This Sadhana Challenge will support participants in cultivating a strong daily habit of practicing Asanas, Pranayama, and Meditation. In addition, we will systematically cultivate healthy habits and positive thinking, gratitude, kindness, and joy.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Sadhana Pada -Teachings from the second chapter on Sadhana or Practice April 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Learn the essential teachings of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras and gain a deep understanding of the causes of human suffering and the process of Yoga by which the mind is purified and bondage is overcome.
The Yoga of Unconditional Love: Discover the Nature of Divine Love through the Timeless Teachings of Narada Bhakti Sutra March 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Through the study of the Narada Bhakti Sutra and the practice of Bhakti Yoga, you will learn how to transform negative emotions into higher emotions of kindness, gratitude, and joy, in turn, bring peace to your daily life and ultimately oneness with all life.
Learn to Play Harmonium: A Live Online Intro Course [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self May 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The oneness of all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. The Upanishads form the basis of Vedanta. It is the science that raises us above the plane of bondage and suffering and shows the path to freedom. Vedanta reveals the essential nature of the self which is ever free and blissful. The study of […]
Japa Meditation and Bhakti Immersion: Calm your Mind and Open Your Heart May 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This 12-week course is designed to be highly practical and transformational, drawing from the tools of Bhakti Yoga (the yogic path of devotion), specifically Japa Meditation ― the repetition of the name of the Divine.
The Heart of the Bhagavad Gita: Uncover the Meaning of Life and the Secret of True Happiness May 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Explore the Bhagavad Gita, a companion that gives us direction, inspiration, and solace.
Who am I? The Practice of Vedantic Inquiry May 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this course we will explore two important techniques of Jnana Yoga Meditation. Each method helps the practitioner to remove the wrong identifications and claim their true identity.
The Yoga of Unconditional Love: Discover the Nature of Divine Love through the Timeless Teachings of Narada Bhakti Sutra May 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Through the study of the Narada Bhakti Sutra and the practice of Bhakti Yoga, you will learn how to transform negative emotions into higher emotions of kindness, gratitude, and joy, in turn, bring peace to your daily life and ultimately oneness with all life.
The Light of Hatha Yoga: Taking Your Practice to a Deeper Level – Study & Practice of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika June 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this special 12-week course with Swami Paramananda, you will learn how to take your Asana and Pranayama practice to the next level. This course includes the practice of Asana, Pranayama, and the study of the sacred text – the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
Self-Surrender and Self-Knowledge Cultivating Equanimity and Non-Attachment June 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Bhagavad Gita is a message of divine wisdom addressed to mankind for all times, in order to help human beings face and solve the ever-present problems of birth and death, of pain, suffering, fear, bondage, love, and hate. It enables man to liberate himself from all limiting factors and reach a state of perfect […]
Learn to Play Harmonium: A Live Online Intro Course June 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Mind: Its Mysteries & Control Master Your Mind, Master Your Life June 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Vibhuti Pada Teachings from the third chapter on Vibhuti or Powers and the Yogic Vision of Reality July 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Learn the essential teachings of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras and gain a deep understanding of the causes of human suffering and the process of Yoga by which the mind is purified and bondage is overcome.
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self July 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The oneness of all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. The Upanishads form the basis of Vedanta. It is the science that raises us above the plane of bondage and suffering and shows the path to freedom. Vedanta reveals the essential nature of the self which is ever free and blissful. The study of […]
Sadhana Challenge - The Art of inspired Living July 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This Sadhana Challenge will support participants in cultivating a strong daily habit of practicing Asanas, Pranayama, and Meditation. In addition, we will systematically cultivate healthy habits and positive thinking, gratitude, kindness, and joy.
Japa Meditation and Bhakti Immersion: Calm your Mind and Open Your Heart July 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This 12-week course is designed to be highly practical and transformational, drawing from the tools of Bhakti Yoga (the yogic path of devotion), specifically Japa Meditation ― the repetition of the name of the Divine.
Twenty Important Spiritual Instructions July 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Heart of the Bhagavad Gita: Uncover the Meaning of Life and the Secret of True Happiness July 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Explore the Bhagavad Gita, a companion that gives us direction, inspiration, and solace.
Who am I? The Practice of Vedantic Inquiry July 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this course we will explore two important techniques of Jnana Yoga Meditation. Each method helps the practitioner to remove the wrong identifications and claim their true identity.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras Practical Guide August 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion August 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Tattvabodha: Introduction to Vedanta and Self-Knowledge August 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Self-Surrender and Self-Knowledge Cultivating Equanimity and Non-Attachment August 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Bhagavad Gita is a message of divine wisdom addressed to mankind for all times, in order to help human beings face and solve the ever-present problems of birth and death, of pain, suffering, fear, bondage, love, and hate. It enables man to liberate himself from all limiting factors and reach a state of perfect […]
The Light of Hatha Yoga: Taking Your Practice to a Deeper Level – Study & Practice of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika September 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this special 12-week course with Swami Paramananda, you will learn how to take your Asana and Pranayama practice to the next level. This course includes the practice of Asana, Pranayama, and the study of the sacred text – the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
Rukmini Chaitanya Course Bundle Sept 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Ethical Teachings: Practical Guide to Living a Good Life and Mind: Its Mysteries & Control Master Your Mind, Master Your Life
Mind: Its Mysteries & Control Master Your Mind, Master Your Life Sept 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Ethical Teachings: Practical Guide to Living a Good Life August 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Bhagavad Gita The Song of God September 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Tattvabodha: Introduction to Vedanta and Self-Knowledge Sept 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Learn to Play Harmonium: A Live Online Intro Course September 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads Sept 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The oneness of all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. The Upanishads form the basis of Vedanta. It is the science that raises us above the plane of bondage and suffering and shows the path to freedom. Vedanta reveals the essential nature of the self which is ever free and blissful. The study of […]
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Teachings from the Kaivalya Pada on Liberation Oct 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This is an inspiring and thorough study of the most important text for the yogis. Patanjali's fourth chapter sets forth the practice of liberation.
Sadhana Challenge with Swami Paramananda [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Learn to Play Harmonium: A Live Open Level Course October 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Who am I? The Practice of Vedantic Inquiry Oct 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this course we will explore two important techniques of Jnana Yoga Meditation. Each method helps the practitioner to remove the wrong identifications and claim their true identity.
Japa Meditation: Unlock the Power of Sound and Mantra - Nov 2022
Rukmini Chaitanya Japa meditation is a method of channeling one’s consciousness from the lowest to the highest level of pure thoughts. Learn the theory and practice of Japa meditation and tap into their divine power.
Patanjali Yoga Sutras Practical Guide October 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Learn the teachings of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras on Surrender and Devotion to God or Ishwara Pranidhana by which the efforts to attain meditation, inner peace, and lasting happiness become successful.
Self Mastery Through Thought Power with Jnaneshwari Chaitanya - Nov 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Join this 10 week course with Jnaneshwari Chaitanya to enrich your life with inspiration and tools for cultivating a powerful, positive and radiant mind.
The Heart of the Bhagavad Gita: Uplift Your Mind and Soul Nov 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Explore the Bhagavad Gita, a companion that gives us direction, inspiration, and solace. In this course, we will learn how to focus the mind, and dedicate the body and heart to the Divine. Rukmini Chaitanya has been teaching the Bhagavad Gita online certification course for the benefit of all spiritual seekers searching for meaning, purpose, […]
Self-Surrender and Self-Knowledge Cultivating Equanimity and Non-Attachment November 2021 [Sivananda Bahamas Online] Copy
The Bhagavad Gita is acclaimed as the teaching that guides us how to put in practice and apply directly in our life the sublime teachings of Yoga and Vedanta. Throughout the Bhagavad Gita the attitude of surrendering oneself to the Divine and accepting life’s dualities and challenges as God’s grace is given as a means […]
Mind: Its Mysteries & Control Master Your Mind, Master Your Life Dec 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Advanced Asana Challenge November 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Self-Realization: Chapter Two of the Bhagavad Gita [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Bhagavad Gita The Song of God December 2022 [Sivananda Bahamas Online] Copy
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self Jan 2023 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The oneness of all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. The Upanishads form the basis of Vedanta. It is the science that raises us above the plane of bondage and suffering and shows the path to freedom. Vedanta reveals the essential nature of the self which is ever free and blissful. The study of […]
Overcoming Obstacles through Prayer: The Ganapati Upanishad [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Samadhi Pada: Teachings From the First Chapter on Samadhi or Concentration January 2023 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
Learn the essential teachings of the Patanjali Yoga Sutras and gain a deep understanding of the causes of human suffering and the process of Yoga by which the mind is purified and bondage is overcome.
Finding Connection and Purpose through Spiritual Health Feb 2023 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Light of Hatha Yoga: Taking Your Practice to a Deeper Level – Study & Practice of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika February 2023 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this special 12-week course with Swami Paramananda, you will learn how to take your Asana and Pranayama practice to the next level. This course includes the practice of Asana, Pranayama, and the study of the sacred text – the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
Who Am I? Dive Deep into Vedanta with Tattvabodha with Rukmini Chaitanya Feb 2023
This course will explore the fundamental introductory Vedanta text, the Tattvabodha written by Adi Shankaracharya, the father of Advaita Vedanta.
The Heart of the Bhagavad Gita: Uplift Your Mind and Soul Feb 2023
Explore the Bhagavad Gita, a companion that gives us direction, inspiration, and solace. In this course, we will learn how to focus the mind, and dedicate the body and heart to the Divine. Rukmini Chaitanya has been teaching the Bhagavad Gita online certification course for the benefit of all spiritual seekers searching for meaning, purpose, […]
Self-Surrender and Self-Knowledge Cultivating Equanimity and Non-Attachment March 2023 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Bhagavad Gita is acclaimed as the teaching that guides us how to put in practice and apply directly in our life the sublime teachings of Yoga and Vedanta. Throughout the Bhagavad Gita the attitude of surrendering oneself to the Divine and accepting life’s dualities and challenges as God’s grace is given as a means […]
Japa Meditation: Unlock the Power of Sound and Mantra - April 2023
Rukmini Chaitanya Japa meditation is a method of channeling one’s consciousness from the lowest to the highest level of pure thoughts. Learn the theory and practice of Japa meditation and tap into their divine power.
Learn to Play Harmonium: A Live Online Intro Course February 2023 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Bhagavad Gita The Song of God April 2023 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
If you wish to encounter the most profound, sublime, and soul-stirring spiritual truths, this is the course for you! The course will focus on chapters 1 & 2 of one of the most inspiring books in the world, the Bhagavad Gita. These two chapters introduce the highest teaching integrated in a fascinating story!
Oneness Consciousness: Experience the Sacred Teachings of Japji April 2023 [Sivananda Bahamas Online] Copy
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self April 2023 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The oneness of all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. The Upanishads form the basis of Vedanta. It is the science that raises us above the plane of bondage and suffering and shows the path to freedom. Vedanta reveals the essential nature of the self which is ever free and blissful. The study of […]
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self April 2023 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The oneness of all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. The Upanishads form the basis of Vedanta. It is the science that raises us above the plane of bondage and suffering and shows the path to freedom. Vedanta reveals the essential nature of the self which is ever free and blissful. The study of […]
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Sadhana Pada May 2023 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
This is an inspiring and thorough study of the most important text for the yogis. Patanjali's second chapter sets forth the practice of Yoga, or sadhana.
Learn to Play Harmonium: A Live Open Level Course March 2023 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Light of Hatha Yoga: Taking Your Practice to a Deeper Level – Study & Practice of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika May 2023 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this special 12-week course with Swami Paramananda, you will learn how to take your Asana and Pranayama practice to the next level. This course includes the practice of Asana, Pranayama, and the study of the sacred text – the Hatha Yoga Pradipika.
Meditation Know How - May 2023
In this course, you will learn everything you need to know in order to become established in your practice of meditation. Jnaneshwari Chaitanya will guide you into practices with personal attention and will be available for questions and personal guidance.
The Science of Ayurvedic Longevity [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
In this program you will learn how to free the mind from unwanted emotions and behaviors that are directly impacting your health, happiness, and wellbeing.
Who Am I? Dive Deep into Vedanta with Tattvabodha with Rukmini Chaitanya May 2023
This course will explore the fundamental introductory Vedanta text, the Tattvabodha written by Adi Shankaracharya, the father of Advaita Vedanta.
The Heart of the Bhagavad Gita: Uplift Your Mind and Soul June 2023
Explore the Bhagavad Gita, a companion that gives us direction, inspiration, and solace. In this course, we will learn how to focus the mind, and dedicate the body and heart to the Divine. Rukmini Chaitanya has been teaching the Bhagavad Gita online certification course for the benefit of all spiritual seekers searching for meaning, purpose, […]
Japa Meditation: Unlock the Power of Sound and Mantra - July 2023
Rukmini Chaitanya Japa meditation is a method of channeling one’s consciousness from the lowest to the highest level of pure thoughts. Learn the theory and practice of Japa meditation and tap into their divine power.
Self-Surrender and Self-Knowledge Cultivating Equanimity and Non-Attachment July 2023 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The Bhagavad Gita is acclaimed as the teaching that guides us how to put in practice and apply directly in our life the sublime teachings of Yoga and Vedanta. Throughout the Bhagavad Gita the attitude of surrendering oneself to the Divine and accepting life’s dualities and challenges as God’s grace is given as a means […]
Advanced Asana Challenge with Swami Paramananda – July 2023
In this course you will practice 120 minutes of yoga with 30 minutes to review Asanas. We will be introducing advanced variations with step-by-step progressions on how to cultivate each Asana from the basic level to a more advanced level that will be suitable and recommended for all levels.
The Bhagavad Gita The Song of God July 2023 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
If you wish to encounter the most profound, sublime, and soul-stirring spiritual truths, this is the course for you! The course will focus on chapter 3 which is titled “The Yoga Of Action” . This chapter will introduce you to some of the most elevating Yogic teachings! You will experience the growth and the inspiration […]
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self Aug 2023 [Sivananda Bahamas Online]
The oneness of all existence is the message which Vedanta teaches. The Upanishads form the basis of Vedanta. It is the science that raises us above the plane of bondage and suffering and shows the path to freedom. Vedanta reveals the essential nature of the self which is ever free and blissful. The study of […]
Who Am I? — Dive Deep into Advaita Vedanta with Drig Drishya Viveka with Rukmini Chaitanya Sept 2023
The Heart of the Bhagavad Gita: Uplift Your Mind and Soul with Rukmini Chaitanya – Sept 2023
Jnana Yoga:The Path of Knowledge with Jnaneshwari Chaitanya - October 2023
Bhagavad Gita: The Song of God – The Yoga Of Knowledge with Jnaneshwari Chaitanya
Japa Meditation: Unlock the Power of Sound and Mantra - October 2023
Self-Surrender and Self-Knowledge Cultivating Equanimity and Non-Attachment
Vedanta: Teachings from the Upanishads on the Essential Freedom of the Self - Nov 2023
Mind: Its Mysteries & Control with Rukmini Chaitanya – Nov 2023
Self Mastery Through Conscious Autosuggestion with Jnaneshwari Chaitanya
Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Practical Guide - Cultivate Non-Attachment, Clear Vision and Deep Meditation - Dec 2023
The Light of Hatha Yoga: Taking Your Practice to a Deeper Level – Study & Practice of the Hatha Yoga Pradipika with Swami Paramananda – December 2023
Who Am I? Dive Deep into into Advaita Vedanta with Drig Drishya Viveka with Rukmini Chaitanya Dec 2023
The Heart of the Bhagavad Gita: Uplift Your Mind and Soul with Rukmini Chaitanya – December 2023
Sadhana Challenge – The Art of Inspired Living with Swami Paramananda- January 2024
Aparokshanubhuti: A Journey to Self-Discovery with Jnaneshwari Chaitanya – January 2024
The Bhagavad Gita: The Song Of God with Jnaneshwari Chaitanya- January 2024
Ayurvedic Thai Yoga Massage Therapy Level 1: (also counts as Thai Yoga Massage Level 3)
Sukha Wong Gain a strong foundation in the key elements of Ayurvedic Thai Yoga Massage and learn how to perform a full 90-minute customized session.
Ayurvedic Thai Yoga Massage Therapy Level 2: (also counts as Thai Yoga Massage Level 4)
Sukha Wong Further your Thai Yoga Massage training with Ayurvedic techniques. Thai Yoga Massage Level 2 expands upon the techniques learned in Level 1 and covers how to perform an expanded 2 1/2 hour customized session.
Yoga for Vision: Holistic Eye Care
Dr. Marc Grossman and Daniel OrlanskyThis program introduces a combination of best practices from eastern and western methods for improving eye health. Through breath work, yoga, and gentle movement designed to allow for more circulation to your brain and eyes, and more to improve your vision health.
Yi Quan Qigong: The Foundation of Dynamic Energy, Inner Strength, & Awakened Mind: With Qigong Grandmaster Kenneth Cohen
Ken CohenLearn a complete practice for personal well-being and connect with your untapped well of resilient healing qi (life energy) and with the natural energies of earth, sky, and sea.
Yi Quan Qigong: Cultivating Inner Peace and Living in Harmony with Nature
Shahar Kovetz (Arjuna) and Michael Anthony, LCSW Embark on a transformative journey into Yi Quan Qigong, an ancient practice designed to reconnect you with the natural world and cultivate a life of balance and harmony.
CCA Yoga Nidra Teacher Training: The Art of Conscious Deep Relaxation and Healing
Marc Halpern (Siva) and Andrea Deerheart PhDExperience and learn to lead conscious deep relaxation that expands consciousness and brings healing to the body and mind.
Healing Your Life
Marc Halpern (Siva)This two-day (12 hour) program will take you on an Ayurvedic journey to support your personal healing process. Based on Dr. Marc Halpern's book, Heal Your Life, you will explore how to activate your body's innate ability to heal itself.
Navigating Life’s Transitions: Fostering Harmony in the Journey of Life & Death
Andrea Deerheart PhD This course is designed for individuals who are seeking to cultivate a harmonious relationship with both life and death. It is particularly beneficial for healthcare professionals, caregivers, and friends and family members of those facing life-threatening or terminal illnesses.
Heal Yourself and Others with Mystical Qigong
Master Ou Wen WeiLearn Pangu Shengong, a mystical qigong system that uses the power of the universe for healing, through this immersion study with its originator, Master Ou Wen Wei.
Ayurvedic Detoxification Rejuvenation Retreat: 5-Day Kitchari Cleanse
Dr. Suhas Kshirsagar Regular cleanses are an important part of the Ayurvedic seasonal routine as they aid in disease prevention and wellness.You will gain an understanding of your personal constitution and the basic tools to keep your body, mind, and spirit in balance as you move forward in your life.
The Healing Keys: Biofield Science and the Future of Health
Shamini Jain, PhDThrough deep learning and experiential group practice, you are invited to expand the boundaries of what you think is possible for personal and collective healing. Come learn about the scientific evidence supporting the power of energy-healing practices — along with approachable techniques for application.
Chair Yoga Teacher Training Course
Michael Hutkins (Anjaneya)Our society is aging and there are many people unable to practice a standard yoga class. This training program will offer you the tools to help your students build strength, awareness and confidence as well as to increase their well-being both physically and mentally.
Restorative Yoga Teacher Training
Nora Benian (Sundari)Restorative yoga is a regenerative healing tool you can integrate into yoga classes, healing treatments, or use in restorative-specific classes. you leave with the ability to confidently teach a primary series of restorative poses to your students as well as incorporate them into your own practice.
Restorative Yoga Selfcare Retreat
Nora Benian (Sundari)Take time to rest your nervous system and allow healing to happen by supporting the mind and body with restorative yoga. During this program, you will practice a full series of restorative postures, complemented with gentle stretching, breathing, and meditation.
Ayurveda Marma Therapy: NAMA Approved Continuing Education
Mary Ann Johnson (Isvari) and Denise Chapman (Vidya)Marma (acupressure) points are energy pathways for profoundly healing the body, mind, and consciousness. This course is ideal for healing arts therapists and bodyworkers who can incorporate Marma therapy in their practices, as well as anyone interested in learning this profound self-healing modality.
Adapted Yoga Teacher Training Course
Michael Hutkins (Anjaneya)Many people believe they can not, or can no longer practice yoga due to age, injury, disease or other limitations. This course will teach you how to make yoga accessible to everyone by adapting the practice to individuals needs without compromising the great benefits of yoga.
Strong Bones for Life - Preventing Osteoporosis Through Yoga
Gauri Devi (Marta Shedletsky)Join Marta for this transformative four-day experience and discover natural methods to fortify your bones and enhance bone density, whether you're dealing with osteopenia or osteoporosis or focused on proactive prevention.
Annual Spring Family Yoga Holiday Program: For Children Ages 4-12
Gauri Devi (Marta Shedletsky) and Dr. Marisa Jackson-Kinman (Sri Devi)Children will enjoy a wide range of activities, including yoga, crafts, and stories from Passover, Easter, and yogic scriptures.
Teen Holiday Yoga Program: For Teens Ages 13-17
Bhargavi ChaitanyaIn this program, teens 12 to 17 experience an immersion in the foundations of yoga practice, philosophy, and lifestyle as well arts and crafts, journaling and the joy of being of service.
Your Blueprint to Healing: Optimize Your Health, Energy, and Lifespan
Mona SharmaCome embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing, guided by Mona Sharma’s expertise and the timeless wisdom of ancient practices. This course will empower you to take control of your health, turn on your body’s natural healing abilities, and live with more energy, vitality, and joy.
Heart of Ayurveda - A Meditative Journey into Ancient Healing Wisdom
Dr. Marisa Jackson-Kinman (Sri Devi)Join us for a 5-day transformative journey into the timeless wisdom of Ayurveda. This course offers a deep dive into Ayurvedic principles, seamlessly blending profound teachings with meditative practices to integrate wisdom into the fabric of your being.
Teen Holiday Yoga Program: For Teens Ages 13-17
Bhargavi ChaitanyaIn this program, teens 12 to 17 experience an immersion in the foundations of yoga practice, philosophy, and lifestyle as well arts and crafts, journaling and the joy of being of service.
April Family Yoga Holiday Program: For Children Ages 4-12
Gauri Devi (Marta Shedletsky)Children will enjoy a wide range of activities, including yoga, crafts, and stories from Passover, Easter, and yogic scriptures.
5 Days to a New You: A Deep Detox with Ayurveda
Acharya Shunya and Chef SanjaiJoin us for a transformative 5-day detox program led by Ayurveda expert Acharya Shunya and renowned Ayurvedic chef Sanjai. This immersive experience has become so popular that it returns year after year, drawing participants who seek profound rejuvenation for both body and mind.
Life is Prana - Practices for Vitality to Overcome our Addictiveness
Durga Leela and Tarini (Shanna Dadisman) Come join us and learn how to replace limiting behaviors, thought patterns, self-sabotage and addictive tendencies with the practices of Yoga of Recovery.
Spring Cleanse, Detox, and Juice Fast
Manu DawsonCleanse your body with raw food, juice, herbs and supplements.
Life is Sweet - Practices for Sweet Self-soothing to Overcome our "Addictiveness"
Durga Leela and Tarini (Shanna Dadisman) Discover how to replace limiting behaviors, thought patterns, self-sabotaging and addictive tendencies with the practices of Yoga of Recovery.
Rest & Restore: Yoga, Psychology & Ayurveda for Midlife: A Women’s Ritual Retreat
Ashley TurnerThrough a blend of yogic practices, depth psychology, and Ayurvedic wisdom, you’ll learn proven techniques to balance hormones, nurture your well-being, and thrive in midlife and beyond.
GLO 7-Day Fresh Food Reset
Grace Van BerkumIncrease energy and vitality, reduce inflammation, recalibrate the taste buds, and clear the mind with this 7-day fresh food detox.
Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis Course
Dr. John Douillard Learn how to feel the changing of vata, pitta, and kapha throughout the day and how to identify can correct imbalances based on the ancient art of Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis.
Sound Therapy Training Course
Swan Michelle (Michelle Baker)Learn some of the most pure toned, high frequency instruments as tools for elevating consciousness in meditation, Sound Baths, Sound Journey’s and all forms of harmonious, high frequency holistic arts while receiving daily healing sessions yourself.
Ayurvedic Summer Radiance Retreat
Sandhiya RamaswamyCome discover optimal nourishment practices with a focus on inner and outer radiance, anti-aging skincare protocols and deeply restorative and rejuvenative Ayurvedic rituals.
Family Summer Yoga Program: For Children Ages 4–12
Gauri Devi (Marta Shedletsky)During this family summer yoga program, kids will be introduced to yoga through short asana classes, chanting, crafts, storytelling, and lots of games and fun.
Teen Summer Yoga Program: For Teens Ages 13-17
Bhargavi ChaitanyaIn this program, teens 12 to 17 experience an immersion in the foundations of yoga practice, philosophy, and lifestyle as well arts and crafts, journaling and the joy of being of service.
Essentials of Meditation
Bhargavi ChaitanyaRelax, take a break from your life and discover how to find inner peace, contentment and happiness from within.
Essentials of Yoga I: Establish Your Foundations
Swami ParamanandaThis inspiring course provides you with the essentials to jumpstart your own yoga practice — whether you are new to yoga or have experience in classes.
Essentials of Positive Thinking
Swami ShambhudevanandaDiscover simple, practical tools for entertaining positive and creative thoughts.
Essentials of Yoga I Weekend: Establish Your Foundations
Parvati ChaitanyaThis inspiring course provides you with the essentials to jumpstart your own yoga practice — whether you are new to yoga or have experience in classes.
Essentials of Positive Thinking Weekend
Bhargavi ChaitanyaDiscover simple, practical tools for entertaining positive and creative thoughts.
Essentials of Meditation Weekend: Cultivate Your Full Potential
Swami ShambhudevanandaIn this weekend program, learn meditation to improve your concentration and happiness and experience less stress and anxiety in daily life.
Essentials of Positive Thinking
Bhargavi ChaitanyaDiscover simple, practical tools for entertaining positive and creative thoughts.
Essentials of Yoga I: Establish Your Foundations
Swami ShambhudevanandaThis inspiring course provides you with the essentials to jumpstart your own yoga practice — whether you are new to yoga or have experience in classes.
Essentials of Meditation
Swami ParamanandaRelax, take a break from your life and discover how to find inner peace, contentment and happiness from within.
Essentials of Positive Thinking Weekend
Swami ShambhudevanandaIn this weekend program, you will discover the connection between your thinking, emotions, and health and learn simple practical tools for enhancing your thought power.
Essentials of Meditation Weekend: Cultivate Your Full Potential
Swami ShambhudevanandaIn this weekend program, learn meditation to improve your concentration and happiness and experience less stress and anxiety in daily life.
Traditional Indian Ayurveda Body Treatments Course: NAMA Approved Continuing Education
Mary Ann Johnson (Isvari) and Denise Chapman (Vidya)Learn and experience the deeply regenerative and healing techniques of Ayurveda body treatments, also known as “Bliss Therapy.”
Ayurveda Fall Cleanse Rejuvenation Retreat: 5-Day Kitchari Cleanse
Manas Kshirsagar Experience an authentic Ayurvedic fall cleanse tailored to your personal constitution to help detoxify and create optimal wellbeing in body, mind, and soul.
Kirtan Evolution Retreat
GirishJoin us as we find our soul's Voice together in one of the most pristinely beautiful and sacred places on the planet as we dive deep into our soulful, energetic possibilities and to choose Love, Healing, and Sacred Connection.
Fall Cleanse, Detox, and Juice Fast
Manu DawsonPrepare for winter and the holidays — come cleanse, rejuvenate, invigorate, and firm up healthy habits for the months ahead and leave feeling refreshed, and connected to your innermost self.
Teen Holiday Yoga Program: For Teens Ages 13-17
Bhargavi ChaitanyaIn this program, teens 13 to 17 experience an immersion in the foundations of yoga practice, philosophy, and lifestyle as well arts and crafts, journaling and the joy of being of service.
Family Yoga Holiday Program: For Children Ages 4–12
Gauri Devi (Marta Shedletsky)During this family yoga holiday, kids will be introduced to yoga through short asana classes, chanting, crafts, storytelling, and lots of games and fun.
New Year's Cleanse, Detox and Juice Fast
Manu DawsonJoin us for a 10-day immersion retreat to cleanse your body and increase vitality and energy. Leave feeling rejuvenated, refreshed, and connected to your innermost self.
GLO 7-Day Fresh Food Reset
Grace Van BerkumIncrease energy and vitality, reduce inflammation, recalibrate the taste buds, and clear the mind with this 7-day fresh food detox.
Yoga Nidra Teacher Training
Chitra SukhuJoin Chitra Sukhu, a world-renowned Yoga practitioner and expert on Yoga Nidra and Hatha Yoga to learn the fundamentals of Yoga Nidra and how to share this healing, powerful practice with others.
Thai Yoga Massage Level 1
Sukha WongGain a strong foundation in the key elements of Ayurvedic Thai Yoga Massage and learn how to perform a full 90-minute customized session.
Thai Yoga Massage Level 2
Sukha WongThai Yoga Massage Level 2 expands upon the techniques learned in Level 1 and covers how to perform an expanded 2 1/2 hour customized session.
Cleanse Your Body, Mind, and Consciousness: Clearing the Path to Create your Dream Life
Marc Halpern (Siva) and Andrea Deerheart PhDStart the new year with a clean slate! Join this Ayurvedic kitchari cleanse and Yoga Nidra retreat to feel lighter, more confident, and closer to your dreams.
Annual Spring Family Yoga Holiday Program: For Children Ages 4-12
Gauri Devi (Marta Shedletsky)Children will enjoy a wide range of activities, including yoga, crafts, and stories from Passover, Easter, and yogic scriptures.
Teen Holiday Yoga Program: For Teens Ages 13-17
Bhargavi ChaitanyaIn this program, teens 12 to 17 experience an immersion in the foundations of yoga practice, philosophy, and lifestyle as well arts and crafts, journaling and the joy of being of service.
April Family Yoga Holiday Program: For Children Ages 4-12
Gauri Devi (Marta Shedletsky)Children will enjoy a wide range of activities, including yoga, crafts, and stories from Passover, Easter, and yogic scriptures.
Teen Holiday Yoga Program: For Teens Ages 13-17
Bhargavi ChaitanyaIn this program, teens 12 to 17 experience an immersion in the foundations of yoga practice, philosophy, and lifestyle as well arts and crafts, journaling and the joy of being of service.
Spring Cleanse with Ayurveda
Hilary GarivaltisJoin us for an inspiring Ayurvedic journey designed to help you reset, detoxify, and rebuild. This immersive program offers a comprehensive approach to self-care, aligning your body’s natural rhythms with the rejuvenating energy of spring.
Chakra Yoga Nidra Retreat
Katie SilcoxThrough guided restorative meditations, gentle breathwork, and intuitive movement, Katie will help you awaken the wisdom and power of each chakra, allowing you to reconnect with your true self in a profound, healing way.
Yoga for Scoliosis and Back Care Retreat
Elise Browning MillerThis retreat is designed to inspire and equip both students and teachers with the tools, knowledge, and confidence to navigate scoliosis—from its anatomical and psychological impacts to practical solutions for improved alignment and pain relief.
Reflexo-Nidra Massage Advance Training Course
Pierre MontpetitDiscover the transformative power of Reflexo-Nidra Massage, a unique practice developed by Pierre Montpetit that combines pain-free acupressure on reflexology points with targeted massage of the head, hands, and feet.
GLO 7-Day Fresh Food Reset
Grace Van BerkumIncrease energy and vitality, reduce inflammation, recalibrate the taste buds, and clear the mind with this 7-day fresh food detox.