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presented by Rukmini Chaitanya

Sold Out
$95.00 – Program Price

Additional Programs

Below are some of the events taking place during your stay

Yoga Vacation Programs (“Tuition = 0”) are offered 365 days a year; they are included in your accommodation rate and no registration is required. They consist of morning and/or evening presentations and/or drop-in afternoon workshops

Cleanses, courses, and trainings, which have a tuition, have specific start and end dates and offer a more immersive experience of the topic and instructor. They meet for several hours a day, while still providing for participation in the ashram daily activities — and the beach!

If you are signed up for a course, your schedule will only allow you to participate in the satsang portions of the YVP programs offered below.

Participant Information

Your Contact Information

For addresses outside of the US and Canada:
Set State/Province to "Other/International"
Type "0000" in Zip Code

Promo Code


Additional Information

Use of a desktop or laptop computer will provide the best experience for you, although you may be able to connect via a tablet or smartphone. An internet connection via high-speed broadband wired or wireless is best. Use of headphone speakers are recommended. If you wish to participate vocally, a headset with microphone will be ideal. The quality may vary if you use the microphone and speakers built-in to your device. For interactive group sessions, a webcam or integrated camera will allow others to feel more connected with you. I have internet access and the minimum device configuration.
Please read the terms and conditions


Please enter your donation amounts below
Any addition to your course tuition is greatly appreciated!
Your generosity makes a difference. We thank you for any donation you can make. Should you need a discount or partial scholarship to attend please contact us at nassau@sivananda.org


You will be asked for credit card details in the next step.
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